Wednesday 2 November 2011

Two Joseph Fallowfield MASSER Items

Two items from ebay arrived in the post today. Their frontispieces announce:

"Meadow Lane, Leeds.
Particulars and plan of valuable building land, suitable for shops, workshops, warehouse, &c. Situated in Meadow Lane, Leeds, and lately forming the site of the Trafalgar Mills.
To be sold by auction by Messrs. Hepper and Sons at the Great Northern Railway Station Hotel, Leeds, on Tuesday, the 28th day of July, 1874.
Leeds: J.F. Masser & Sons.

Trafalgar Mill Estate, Meadow Lane, Leeds


"The Oxton Hall Estate.
Particulars of an important and most desirable seat situated in the townships of Oxton and East Tadcaster, in the Ainsty of the City of York, and comprising Oxton Hall, park, pleasure grounds and farm lands.
Containing in the whole 167 acres together with an annual tithe rent charge of £75 9s. 9d which Messrs. Hepper & Sons will sell by auction, at the Royal Station Hotel, York on Wednesday, the 1st day of May, 1872.
Leeds: J.F. Masser & Sons.

Oxton Hall Estate, Tadcaster

The first is a folded printed pamphlet with a coloured folding plan of the Trafalgar Mills estate; the second is also a folded printed pamphlet with a large litho-coloured folding plan of the Oxton Hall estate.

These are the first Joseph Fallowfield MASSER plans I have managed to acquire and they are quite large - 42cm x 26cm (16.5 x 10 inches) - so I have had to photograph them instead of scanning them in my A4 scanner.

Joseph Fallowfield MASSER, a successful Leeds lithographer, was Georgia and Nancy's 4 great grandfather.